Monday, October 14, 2013

Windy Wellington

I have been in Windy Wellington for a few days.. but the weather hasn't been too bad. I was starting to feel a little skeptical about the name that so many people use to describe this city.

Although after yesterday I now know the name certainly does the place justice.

Walking back to the Hostel yesterday I was actually afraid that a sign was going to come flying down the street and hit me. At streetlights we would have to hold onto the poles to avoid getting blown out into oncoming traffic. But the icing on the cake was when we unknowingly walked over a full glass window that had been blown straight out of the front window of a cafe and lay completely shattered on the ground.

In the hostel that night I couldn't believe my ears when the news women said that winds had reached over 220km/h.

After that storm I now feel like I have truly experienced Wellington weather.

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