Monday, October 7, 2013

Commitment problems?

After a few days of some crazy and very exciting tourist activities both the girl I met from Ireland and I thought it would be nice to settle somewhere for a bit to unwind a little and most importantly take a break from spending a ton of money. We were lucky enough to find a hostel that had two positions available for work for accomodation. At first we thought we had hit the jackpot... 3 weeks of not having to pay for accommodation what could be better? Our work consists of stripping and making the beds of anyone that had checked out that morning as well as cleaning the bathrooms. It is quite easy work that never lasted for more then two hours. It was grand (as Laura would say)

Aside from work we began our stay in Taupo by walking around the town. We managed to walk it all ...twice .. in about 20 minutes.

The second day we went into about every single shop and cafe.

Then on the third day we went out later in the afternoon only to realize that everything here closes between 3-4 (not to mention the fact that nothing opens before 9)

So here we are on day 4 going completely insane because there is just nothing to do in Taupo. So although we had an oral agreement with the owners committing to 3 weeks there is just no way we can last that long. 

Being the proactive people that we are we have already booked ourselves on a bus headed to whakahoro (pronouced Fakahoro) on wednesday morning. 

By Friday we should be in Wellington... the capital of New Zealand, where there will hopefully be a bit more to do and see. 

While some may say that I am unable to commit to staying somewhere for more then a week .. I say that I just haven't quite found the right place yet. 

That's all for now!


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're having tons of fun even if you can't stick to one place haha! All part of the experience though! can't wait to read more about your adventures :)
