One of the best things about staying in hostels for me is
the fact that they all have kitchens. This makes it easy for me to stick to my
diet and eat foods that I’m happy eating. Unfortunately however the kitchen
facilities in 90% of the hostels I’ve stayed in are a far cry from decent, more
then half of them border on the line of simply being unusable. But for the most
part I’ve just sucked it up and dealt with it because really what other choice
do I have?
However I experienced something dreadful at a hostel in a
town called Wanaka, just outside of Queenstown.
I entered the kitchen with the intention of making an easy
dinner. At the time there were only two other people in the kitchen (cooking an
incredibly healthy meal of grease soaked, unidentifiable meat and white rice I might
add). Finally I was able to spot where the pots and pans were kept. I headed
over there determined to find a decent one that I would be able to cook my
broccoli and lentils in. As I walked towards them one of the women that had
been cooking also approached with her grease-coated pan. After taking a brief
look at the overflowing sink she proceeded to put the dirty pan back amongst
the clean ones! I couldn’t believe my eyes! Not only is that disgusting but
it’s also just rude and inconsiderate.
After getting over my shock I found a somewhat decent pot
and began washing it vigorously, still traumatized by what I had just
Next came the dreaded stovetop... To light the burner you
had to hold the gas in with one hand while holding a lit match to the holes of
the burner with the other. Now this would have been fine except for the fact
1) I’ve never done this before
2) The matches had the shortest handle ever and
3) Once I finally got it lit the flame flared up and nearly
burnt my arm!
After narrowly avoiding the flame I thought I was in the
clear. After my brief moment of relief I came to the realization that the flame
couldn’t be turned down. So there I was cooking broccoli and lentils over this
massive flame that kept snaking up the sides of the pot. I thought I’d be fine
using a cloth to protect myself while taking this handle-less pot off the
burner however I was sorely mistaken. The flame was so big that it burnt the
sleeve of my ONLY sweatshirt leaving three holes and many burn marks on it.
With my sweater destroyed, not to mention completely
traumatized by the experience (after all if I hadn’t have had a sweater on who
knows what would have happened to my arm!)
I have been eating nothing but raw meals since. Eventually I’ll brave
the awful hostel kitchens again but for now I have no more clothes to spare!
The result |
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