So let me tell you about Michael, the wwoof host who’s add
on the website just sounded so appealing to Laura and I.
However there was a lot more to Michael’s life than what he
The moment we met Michael, Laura and I both had a funny
feeling. The way he was speaking to us, looking at us and asking us questions
was just very strange.
When we walked into his house I was caught a little off
guard. The place was a pig sty! It was so cluttered and there was stuff
everywhere. Michael informed us that the house hadn’t been cleaned since April,
when his last wwoofer was there.
What kind of person NEVER cleans their house?!
Next he brought us out onto the porch to discuss things such
as the jobs we would be expected to do. He also gave us an overview of his
daily schedule which included sunbathing and doing yoga naked on his back
porch, an activity that he welcomed us to join in on. And from this comment he
will be forever known as the naked yoga guy by Laura and I. He also asked us whether
we were a lesbian couple because the caravan ...our new accommodation... was
quite small.
Before heading down to the caravan he asked us how we felt
about ants.
Why did he ask this?
Well he casually informed us that there has been an ant infestation
in the caravan we would be staying in. As if this information wasn’t bad enough
he felt the need to explain that when he walked in yesterday the walls were
black with all the ants.
just a quick glimpse of the ants |
ANTS?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! For those of you who know me
well you know that I can’t stand ants. Its irrational I know, they are for the
most part harmless, but I just can’t stand them.
On our way down to the caravan he gave us a tour first of
the tiny sauna.. which he emphasized
gets VERY HOT with lots of people in
it. Next was the massage room, a little cabin with nothing but a double bed and
a TV in it. I personally do not want to know what goes on in there.
Trying to keep an open mind we walked down to the caravan
with some cleaning supplies. Our first job was to clean out the caravan. Our
spirits were quickly plummeting as we started to clean and realized that he
hadn’t been kidding when he had said that there were ants everywhere. All the
drawers and window areas were covered but the worst of it were the ants crawling
in and around the beds, blankets and pillows.
Laura and I made a quick decision and booked it out of
there. It was just too weird and uncomfortable... and the presence of those
damn ants was just the icing on the cake.
We arrived back in Wellington City later that afternoon and
booked the ferry to Picton (the South Island) for the next day.
Having arrived in the South Island Laura and I are feeling
extremely relieved and very happy that we haven’t spent the last few days in an
ant infested caravan!
Bed #2 |
whattaaa creep!!!!!!!!!! glad you moved on :)