Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Back To Auckland I Go

Yes it’s true, I am indeed back in Auckland,  the nanny thing didn’t quite work out. The original allure of the job – the stability, free accommodation and food as well as good pay – was pretty much what I came to New Zealand to get away from. I realized this a few days in to the job ... and it hit me very hard and all at once. I have to admit I was pretty overwhelmed, and then I remembered that I was at the other end of the world and let me tell you this realization did nothing to help with the overwhelming feeling. But after exchanging a few emails and having a Skype chat with two people that gave great advice I came to the quick conclusion that I needed to change my plans as quick as possible. 24 hours later I am back in Auckland and after reading a letter that one of my best friends wrote me I am in a much better mind set and ready to start from square one.

The next few days are going to be spent doing some planning and I am fairly confident that my plans to do something that involves travelling around and seeing as many new things as possible will work out better then the nanny job did.

I am hoping that going with my gut and leaving what was otherwise a perfectly good job with nice people will turn out to be what I needed. Unfortunately there is no way to know for sure if this was the right decision... but I will be finding this out soon.

Hopefully I will have some slightly more exciting things to talk about in the next post ... but for now this is it.


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